Contaminação parasitológica de areias e solos dos parques públicos da Cidade de Caruaru/PE


  • Patrícia Laiz de Lira Barbosa Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau
  • Giani Maria Cavalcante Instituto de Tecnologia de Pernambuco



ABSTRACT: Public parks and parks contaminated with feces of dogs and cats are considered an important route of transmission of these zoonoses. This aimed of study was evaluate the occurrence of parasitic organisms in the public parks soil in Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brazil. Four public squares were selected, and five samples were collected from each of them, totaling 20 samples. The methods used were Willis-Mollay technique, Faust et al. technique and sedimentation technique. The analysis of the processed material showed that of the 20 samples collected: 15 (75%) were positive for parasites, of which 65% presented Ancylostoma sp. 20% presented Toxocara so; and 10% presented Isospora sp. The percentage of 5% of the samples were not identified parasitic forms. Therefore, it can be concluded that the soil from sandboxes of public squares in Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brazil, are infected with parasitic organisms that can cause diseases in humans.

KEYWORDS: Public squares. Soil. Zoonosis.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, P. L. de L., & Cavalcante, G. M. (2020). Contaminação parasitológica de areias e solos dos parques públicos da Cidade de Caruaru/PE. Diversitas Journal, 5(4), 2725–2734.