Logística Reversa na prática: o caso de uma ação extensionista na cidade de Maceió





ABSTRACT: This article was based on a Teaching and Extension Project of the Instituto Federal de Alagoas, fulfilled between  March and June 2018. The project, entitled “An Awakening for The Sustainability”, was fulfilled in a Municipal School, located in the suburb of Salvador Lyra, in the upper part of the city of Maceió. This research had the purpose to analyze the result obtained from the realization of the teaching Teaching and Extension Project which that aimed to make known the concept and the importance of Reverse Logistic (LR), the project welcomed students from the 6th to the 9th grade of elementary school. Initially, the researchers took an introductory approach about what would become LR and what are the positive impacts that come from its practice. After that the researchers and the others participants started collecting materials around the school, including: cooking oil, PET bottles and paper. These materials were instrumental in opening practical workshops that resulted in new products such as: bar soap, brooms and paper pads. From the experiment, the extension workers realized the impact that LR has in socio-educational scope, because, during the stages of carrying out the project, the students showed more interest in environmental issues. It was also possible to perceive, informally, a significant decrease in the disposal of materials that served as raw material for the project around the school.

KEYWORDS: reverse logistics, sustainability, extension.


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How to Cite

Cardoso, A. C. A., Silva, L. G. da, Santos, D. da G., & Gomes, E. F. (2021). Logística Reversa na prática: o caso de uma ação extensionista na cidade de Maceió. Diversitas Journal, 6(3), 3466–3476. https://doi.org/10.48017/Diversitas_Journal-v6i3-1415