Agricultura de sequeiro e variabilidade produtiva de uma cultura de subsistência em Gado Bravo, Semiárido da Paraíba




ABSTRACT: The semiarid region of Brazil is characterized by the high susceptibility of its agricultural systems to climatic fluctuations, which is maximized by the productive methods employed. In this region, bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is one of the main crops produced, serving as an important food source for local families. In this sense, this study aimed to analyze the dynamics of bean production in the municipality of Gado Bravo, Semi-arid of Paraíba, in the period 2000-2019. The data used were extracted from the IBGE Municipal Agricultural Production information database, using the Automatic Recovery System (SIDRA). Information regarding annual rainfall in Gado Bravo was obtained through the Executive Water Management Agency of the State of Paraíba (AESA). The data were submitted to


principal component analysis (PCA). High variability was observed in the local productive aspects of the bean culture, with the presence in some years of discrepancies between the planted area and the harvested area. Low productivity of this culture in the municipality was also observed, which can be attributed to the low technification used locally and to the events of climatic vulnerability. In view of the importance of bean culture for the municipality of Gado Bravo, actions to encourage the improvement of the production rates of this legume should be encouraged and implemented.

KEYWORDS: Phaseolus vulgaris L., Agricultural Production, Agricultural Technification.


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Araújo, J. R. E. S., Silva, J. H. B. da, Batista, M. C., Sabino, B. T. S., Almeida, I. V. B. de, Abreu, K. G., … Santos, J. P. de O. (2021). Agricultura de sequeiro e variabilidade produtiva de uma cultura de subsistência em Gado Bravo, Semiárido da Paraíba. Diversitas Journal, 6(3), 2905–2918.