Análise epidemiológica e espacial da esquistossomose e geohelmintoses no estado do Piauí




ABSTRACT: Enteroparasitosis represents a serious public health problem, especially in underdeveloped countries, affecting populations that are in conditions of social vulnerability. The research analyzes the epidemiological and spatial scenario of schistosomiasis and geohelminthosis, in the state of Piauí. The study is epidemiological, descriptive, retrospective, quantitative and analytical approach, with collection of secondary data in the DATASUS Information System (SISPCE, SINAN, SIH, SIM) for the years 2011 to 2017 and the use of GIS for spatial analysis. Between 2008 to 2010 the prevalence of infection for schistosomiasis was 0.04% and geohelmintheses 0.7% found only in the municipality of Picos. However, between 2011 and 2017, human schistosomiasis was found in 6 others, with higher occurrence in Picos (53.8%). Of the total number of parasitized by S. mansoni, 61.5% are male, aged between 20 and 29 years, 76.9% are brown, originating from the urban and rural areas in equal proportion and more than half of all cases 53.8% are reported. Deaths from schistosomiasis were predominant in males (100%) between 2008- 2016. Infection by geohelminthesis affected 3.7% of individuals, with a higher prevalence of helminths A. lumbricoide 54.1%, followed by T. trichuria 23, 7% and hookworms 22.1%. The presence of these enteroparasitoses requires the adoption of effective public policies for sanitation of the environment, housing, education and health, in addition to the adoption of strategies that facilitate the knowledge on the forms of contagion and prevention.

KEYWORDS: Enteroparasitosis, Epidemiology,  Prevalence.


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Author Biographies

Alane da Silva Sousa

Aluna de graduação em Nutrição UFPI

Andressa Almeida Barros, Universidade Federal do Piauí

Aluna de Nutrição UFPI

José Jenivaldo Melo Irmão, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Alagoas

Professor IFAL

Andrea Gomes Santana de Melo, Universidade Federal do Piaui

Professora Adjunta da UFPI, Curso de Nutrição, área de Saúde Coletiva



How to Cite

da Silva Sousa, A., Barros, A. A., Irmão, J. J. M., & Melo, A. G. S. de. (2021). Análise epidemiológica e espacial da esquistossomose e geohelmintoses no estado do Piauí. Diversitas Journal, 6(3), 3222–3232.