O uso da Palinologia na descrição de espécies: morfologia polínica e Polinizadores de Alismataceae Vent.





ABSTRACT: Alismataceae consists in a family of semi-aquatic or aquatic plants occurring in swamps, rivers and lakes. Currently, 11 genera are considered, with 75 species in the world. However, there is a lack of taxonomic consensus to recognize and allocate the species in the genera and palynology can act as a tool to assist in the identification and organization of this family. This study aimed to describe the pollen morphology of Alismataceae species available in the herbariums Vasconcelos Sobrinho (PEURF / UFRPE), Geraldo Mariz (UFP / UFPE) and of the Agronomic Institute of Pernambuco (IPA). In addition we collected informations in the literature about pollinators of the species analyzed. Acetolysis was performed for species available in the PEUFR Herbarium collection (n = 5). For the other classified species, pollen descriptions were used based on searches in the literature. Twenty-nine species were found in the three herbariums. Acetolysis proves efficient to be used as one of the parameters for delimiting the taxon at the level of genus or species for this family. Protodiscelis spp. bees were the most commonly cited in the literature, acting as the main pollinators of Alismataceae species.

KEYWORDS: Aquatic plant, Bees, Pollen.


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Author Biographies

Jakelline Santos Alves, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco

Estudante do curso de Bacharelado em Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Biologia - DB, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco – UFRPE

Karine de Matos Costa, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Mestre em botânica, Doutoranda em Biologia vegetal pela UFPE.

Ana Virginia de Lima Leite, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco

Professora do Departamento de Biologia, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco – Dois Irmãos, Recife, PE, Brasil



How to Cite

Alves, J. S., Costa, K. de M., & Leite, A. V. de L. (2021). O uso da Palinologia na descrição de espécies: morfologia polínica e Polinizadores de Alismataceae Vent. Diversitas Journal, 6(3), 3115–3132. https://doi.org/10.48017/Diversitas_Journal-v6i3-1883