Qual o papel das espécies exóticas na farmacopeia local? Estudo de caso em uma comunidade rural do município de Canapi, Alagoas


  • Janilo Italo Melo Dantas Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
  • Taline Cristina da Silva Universidade Estadual de Alagoas-UNEAL




ABSTRACT: This study aimed to analyze the role of native and exotic species in the local pharmacopoeia of a rural community in the municipality of Canapi in the state of Alagoas, relating the data obtained with the Ecological Appearance and Diversification Hypothesis, considering that these evidence the insertion process. of medicinal plants in human populations. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the residents of the community, using the snowball technique, free list and direct observation, with the aid of Anthopac and Bioestat programs for data analysis. It has been realized that exotic and native species play a key role for local pharmacopoeia, as many individuals rely on or prefer them to cure disease. However, exotic species are being used in greater quantity (p) = 0.041. It was also possible to realize that the Ecological Appearance Hypothesis may explain the use of plants in the local pharmacopoeia (p) = 0.0413, since community residents categorize them as more important and use more “non-apparent” species. However, the Diversification Hypothesis would not explain the use of local pharmacopoeia medicinal plants, (p) = 0.1228, since there are no gaps filled exclusively by exotic species in curing diseases. The data from this study underlines the importance of local pharmacopoeias in the lives of many individuals, presenting the community with a great local and cultural knowledge that must be preserved and valued, as well as contributing to the understanding of studies that address the popular criterion of plant use. medicinal products in human populations.

KEYWORDS: Ethnobotany, Medicinal Plants, Popular Medicine.


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How to Cite

Dantas, J. I. M., & Silva, T. C. da. (2020). Qual o papel das espécies exóticas na farmacopeia local? Estudo de caso em uma comunidade rural do município de Canapi, Alagoas. Diversitas Journal, 5(4), 2622–2631. https://doi.org/10.17648/diversitas-journal-v5i4-859