Percepção populacional dos determinantes ambientais em câncer no município de Maceió/AL


  • Maria Edislândia Nunes da Silva Universidade Estadual de Alagoas
  • Claudimary Bispo dos Santos



ABSTRACT: One of the measures to prevent the increase in the number of cancers is educational actions involving the identification of risk factors, however, it is pertinent to know what knowledge the population has on the subject. In this perspective, this study aimed to identify the population's knowledge about preventable environmental determinants among the most incident cancers in the city of Maceió. This is a qualitative and quantitative descriptive study, carried out from July 2018 to August 2019, with the participation of 68 volunteers living in an urban area of the city of Maceió, of both sexes, between 18 and 65 years of age. An instrument was used containing sociodemographic data, life habits and knowledge questions about the preventable risk factors for cancers of: cervix, lung, intestine and stomach. The analysis of the data of the present study consists of the identification and exploration of the chosen variables and described inclusion and exclusion criteria, looking for possible associations between the variables through the percentage distribution obtained in each answer, discarding the unanswered questions, using the Microsoft Office Excel program and speech analysis. Among the results, they said they know how to prevent different types of cancer: 50% cervical cancer; 80% lung cancer; bowel cancer (colon and rectum) and stomach, 25% and 32% respectively. The results differ from each other, explaining the importance that each of them has been receiving in terms of prevention. Concluding that there is a notable lack of population knowledge about preventable environmental determinants among the most common cancers in the city of Maceió, and that the improvement of actions aimed at health education is necessary, with an informative look, in order to build understanding about risk factors.

KEYWORDS: collective health, health promotion, risk factors.


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How to Cite

Silva, M. E. N. da, & Santos, C. B. dos. (2020). Percepção populacional dos determinantes ambientais em câncer no município de Maceió/AL. Diversitas Journal, 5(4), 2930–2941.