Educação especial e ser deficiente: reflexões em torno de uma inclusão excludente


  • Carolina Sena do Vale Sandres Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Cristiano Cezar Gomes da Silva
  • Maiara Cristine Oliveira de Almeida



ABSTRACT: This paper discusses aspects of special education from the discussion about the inclusion and stereotype of the subject with disabilities, aiming to reflect how this implies the construction of subjects in contemporary times and the insertion of the different in society. By problematizing concepts related to the construction of identities and differences in disability we can understand how school inclusion practices are being constructed. For this, we will use authors such as Bhabha (1998), Benedict (2000), Freud (1921), Hall(2000), Mrech (1999), Vasques (2007) and Veiga-Neto and Lopes (2007) as theorists who supported the proposals and reflections presented in this paper. The construction of the same was based on a theoretical research, where the perspective of cultural studies was used as support to support the discussion proposed in this paper. Discussing inclusive processes thinking from this perspective allows society to understand how identity in people with disabilities can be thought of as a cultural construction, based on differences, being built by many, produced in the interlaces, leaving a context of stereotypes that reinforce and erase differences in inclusive processes.

KEYWORDS: Special education. Inclusion. Identity. Difference. Stereotype.


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How to Cite

Sandres, C. S. do V., Silva, C. C. G. da, & Almeida, M. C. O. de. (2020). Educação especial e ser deficiente: reflexões em torno de uma inclusão excludente. Diversitas Journal, 5(1), 581–590.



Dossiê Temático - Cultura e Territorialidades