Vol. 9 No. 3 (2024): Climate change and its impact on Biodiversity

					View Vol. 9 No. 3 (2024): Climate change and its impact on Biodiversity

Climate changes only alter long-term climate patterns, resulting from natural processes and human actions. These transformations affect not only polar bears, but also human health and food production. The increase in solar incidence, the burning of fossil fuels and the destruction contribute to these changes. Furthermore, phenomena such as El Niño and La Niña also play a significant role. Since the formation of the Earth, the climate has been modified, climatic changes are an intrinsic part of evolutionary history.

The third issue of volume 9 of the Diversitas Journal, from 2024, the central theme is “Climate Changes: Causes and Consequences”. The journal will address this question in a multidisciplinary way, exploring the impacts of climate changes on biodiversity, human health, food production and much more. It is essential that the scientific community and general society address these challenges and work together to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change.

With certainty! Research and sharing of knowledge are essential to confront the challenges of climate change and promote a more sustainable future for all. We hope you enjoy the content of this issue to the fullest, written by scientists from various parts of Brazil and other countries.

Prof. Dr. José Crisólogo de Sales Silva,

Editor in Chief

Cover: Fishing for our daily bread

Location: Viçosa, minas Gerais, Brazil in 2022

Photography:   - Rodrigo Almeida Pinheiro / Enccult 2023 photography competition


Published: 2024 -10-07

Published: 2024-07-10

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